Emergency Dental Care

Are You Experiencing a Dental Emergency?

Accidents happen unexpectantly and can cause you to need immediate dental care. Some infections may arise that cause immense pain or lead to more intense conditions. Whatever the case may be, Dr. Ethridge more than happily helps those that are having a dental emergency. We care about your health and comfort and will be there when you need us. If you are experiencing any of the dental problems listed below, call Mark L. Ethridge, DDS of Richardson, TX right away!

Tooth Injury or Trauma:

Any injury to teeth or part of the jaw is considered a dental emergency. IF your tooth has been chipped, cracked, loosened or even shifted position, give us a call immediately.

Missing or Knocked Out Tooth:

A knocked out tooth can be fixed if immediate attention is received. Call us right away to get a jump on repairing it as soon as possible.

Tooth Abscess:

Abscessed tooth or teeth is an infection within the tooth that can cause unbearable pain and further infection. 

Lost Fillings or Crowns:

Fillings and crowns are placed specifically to protect your teeth. If you have lost them, that defense is gone and needs to be replaced. Call us immediately.

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